Wednesday, 4 July 2007

4th July 2007

I've been quite challenged recently about the necessity of actually applying the Bible to our lives. I find it happens all to often that I'm sat around discussing a passage with a group of people, we get lots out of it and we can say what it's challenge is to 'people' but fail to actually bring it home to us.

For instance, reading about how we are not to pray like hypocrites, making a show and appearing Holy, we talked about how this means we shouldn't live our Christian lives 'acting' as though we were spot on with God, yet really not feeling it at all, aiming to please man and not glorify God. But at no point did we actually address, hang on, in what area of my life do I struggle with the desire to seem something I'm not, where do I desire to please those around me, but disregard the glory that is due my Great Creator? Granted this is pretty uncomfortble stuff... but isn't being pruned and changed meant to be uncomfortable? All I know is I want to be a radical disciple of Jesus, I want to become more like Him, and I know it's not pleasant, but I know that looking inside my heart at all the skanky crap that I hide in there, and letting God bring it into the light is the only way it's going to happen.

So no, it's not enough just to read the Bible, we need to think about how the Almighty God wants to use what we're reading to make us messy and totally un-sorted... But all in order to fix us!

Life is great, God knows best, and my wonderful friends have just had their first baby!

The sun has FINALLY come back out!


Ed Goode said...

your blog is very good...there's no need to be so shy!

The sun is always shining somewhere said...

Thank you...